The Importance of Culture in the Early Years

Raising our children to become competent and empathetic adults requires a level of societal and cultural understanding that is best taught in the early years of their life. Celebrating various cultures teaches children about our differences as well as what makes us similar. Learning about different cultures promotes tolerance, acceptance, socialization, and creativity, among many more values that are vital to producing kind and loving humans. Below are some ways you can share your culture with others, as well as expose your child to new cultural ideas.



Children love to dance and sing, and much of their language development comes from songs. Multicultural music is an accessible tool that you can utilize to introduce new languages, ideas, and values to your little one. Fun and easy ways to incorporate these songs into your child’s everyday life is by introducing songs that they are familiar with in different languages (for example, the ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, etc.), watching videos of live performances, dancing together to the music, and building a playlist of multicultural songs to play in the car.



Introducing a variety of foods to your child in the early years of their life is beneficial for various reasons, including sensory development, establishing a well-balanced diet, and expanding their appetite. Adding cultural appreciation to this list is an added benefit! Trying new foods can be scary, but it can also serve as a warm welcome to a world full of adventure. Some ways to introduce multicultural foods to your family’s palate are by trying new restaurants, cooking new recipes (this is a great opportunity to make memories with your little one as well!), and hosting or participating in potlucks with friends that have different cultural backgrounds than you.


Movies and TV shows

In today’s society, it is easy to find media that is diverse and inclusive, which is great! Exposing your child to TV shows and movies that represent ideas and values that differ from their own gives them an opportunity to find parallels between their lives and those of the characters on the screen. Yes, we may look, speak, or live differently, but we still share so many similarities! Culturally diverse TV and movies also show a deeper level of cultural practices of the characters that may otherwise be missed in other forms of media.



As we know, books are an integral part of your child’s education. We can all learn from what literature has to teach us, and that includes diversity. Reading to our children teaches language, social-emotional regulation, and life skills. There is no better way to encourage tolerance and diversity than by cozying up with a good book!

